Rugged And Reliable.


Multi-Purpose and All-Weather

Cost-Effective LiDAR Solutions

and Modules

LeddarTech offers users a series of rugged, reliable, and cost-effective LiDAR components and sensors in order to bring to you an array of LiDAR solutions for a variety of applications.

LeddarTech LiDAR components offer flexibility and can be easily integrated into a multitude of applications, including autonomous shuttles, robots, commercial and delivery vehicles, industrial vehicles, electronic tolling, traffic monitoring, and traffic law enforcement.

Utilising state-of-the-art technology, while still keeping things rugged and simple, LeddarTech products are designed to serve as the backbone of your LiDAR sensing solutions.

Our LeddarTech Products

Leddar Pixell
Cocoon LiDAR System

The Leddar Pixell is a 3D flash LiDAR with a 180-degree field of view (FoV) specifically designed for ADAS and autonomous driving applications. Powered by the LCA2 LeddarEngine, the Leddar Pixell provides reliable detection of pedestrians, cyclists and other obstacles in the vehicle’s surroundings. The robust, solid-state Pixell compensates for the limitations of mechanical scanning LiDARs used for geopositioning which generate blind areas that can reach several meters. The Pixell enables a comprehensive detection “cocoon” that surrounds the vehicle, enhancing detection coverage.

Using the latest in 3D flash LiDAR technology, the Pixell provides more scene coverage than most scanning LiDARs, which drastically reduces dead zones. Thanks to the Pixell’s wide horizontal FoV, four sensors will cover the entire vehicle surroundings over 360 degrees and provide redundancy coverage in its corners.

Spec Sheet
Leddar Sight
Affordable 2d Solid-state Lidar

The LeddarSight sensor is a robust, cost-effective 2D solid-state LiDAR housed in a weatherproof enclosure that uses flash illumination. The sensor combines 16  independent active detection elements to deliver rapid, continuous, and accurate detection and range– including lateral discrimination– in the entire wide beam, without any moving parts.

Based on the field-proven reliability of the Leddar M16 LiDAR module family, the Leddar Sight leverages a 100% solid-state design and is built without any moving parts for ultimate robustness. The Leddarsight is a rugged system, tested for shock and vibration to meet the requirements of the most demanding commercial and industrial mobility applications.

Spec Sheet
Leddar VU8
Solid State LiDAR system

The Leddar Vu8 solid-state LiDAR sensor offers affordable detection and ranging performance in a small, robust form factor over distances up to 185 meters. The Vu8 sensor contains proprietary Leddar technology and integrates patented Leddar signal processing algorithms to efficiently acquire, sequence, and digitally process light signals, significantly improving solid-state LiDAR sensitivity, immunity to ambient light variations, and performance in inclement weather. All this allows the VU8 to rapidly deliver accurate measurements and extends the sensor’s range and measurement capabilities.

Additionally, it provides superior lateral discrimination, as well as the critical capability to detect and track multiple objects simultaneously in the sensor’s field of view (FoV). Weighing only 144 grams or less, the Leddar Vu8 module uses a fixed light source, which significantly increases the sensor’s robustness and cost efficiency as compared to any mechanical scanning LiDAR solution.

Spec Sheet
Leddar M16
Solid-State Lidar System

The Leddar M16 Sensor Module is a solid-state flash illumination LiDAR that combines 16 independent active elements into a single sensor, resulting in rapid, continuous, and accurate detection and ranging–including lateral discrimination– in the entire wide beam, without any moving parts. The Leddar M16 can be easily integrated into almost any application to add sensing intelligence capability, enabling developers and integrators to make the most of this cutting-edge technology while leveraging its unmatched flexibility.

The M16 modules are available in two main configuration types: the LED family and the Laser family. The M16-LED is the proven Leddar workhorse that clients have come to value for its versatility and reliability.  The M16-LSR uses laser sources to achieve longer ranges, providing narrower and better-defined vertical FoV–all in a smaller form factor. Both M16 families are perfectly suited to outdoor operation, with wide operating temperature ranges, all-weather performance, and immunity to lighting variations–both day and night.

Spec Sheet
Single Segment LiDAR Sensor

The LeddarOne single-segment LiDAR sensor module is dedicated to detecting objects and providing precise distance measurements at up to 40 m. The narrow LED illumination beam offers excellent overall range and performance, supported by Leddar technology’s patented digital signal processing algorithms. This single-detection-segment sensor module is particularly suitable for applications such as optical range finding, drone altimetry, level sensing, proximity measurement, security and surveillance, vehicle detection, and height warning. The module’s compact size, low power consumption, and high accuracy give developers and integrators great flexibility to enhance their own branded products and applications.

Spec Sheet
Leddar T16
Solid-State LiDAR Traffic Sensor

The Leddar T16 Traffic Sensor is a 2D solid-state LiDAR specifically designed for traffic management systems. Packaged in a weather-resistant housing, the Leddar T16 offers cost-efficient and highly accurate detection for various intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications such as electronic tolling, traffic monitoring, and traffic law enforcement. At the heart of the sensor resides the patented Leddar digital signal processing technology, which provides superior detection, location, and measurement capabilities for all types of traffic, including vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists.

The Leddar T16’s flash illumination emitted by its LED sources covers the sensor’s complete field of view. Capturing the return echoes of these diffused light pulses through 16 independent active detection elements at a high acquisition rate, the Leddar T16 Traffic Sensor continuously provides rapid and accurate detection and ranging in the entire beam without any moving mechanical parts. The returned signals are digitized and processed through innovative algorithms, allowing the reliable detection and measurement of a wide range of objects under the most challenging environmental conditions such as rain, snow, and fog.

Spec Sheet
Leddar D-TEC
ADvanced Above-Ground LiDAR Detection System

The Leddar d-tec is a LiDAR-based system that offers accurate stop-bar and advanced detection capabilities for all types of traffic. This above-ground traffic detection solution is the perfect alternative to legacy induction loop detectors that were traditionally used in automated traffic light management applications.

At the heart of the Leddar D-Tec system lies the patented Leddar digital signal processing technology, which provides reliable detection, location, and measurement capabilities for all types of traffic. Its solid-state LiDAR sensor measures both distance and angular positioning for each detected target–in any environment and lighting conditions. The system also uses the direction of travel of vehicles, thereby preventing false calls to traffic signal controllers.

The D-Tec’s flash LiDAR uses LED sources to illuminate the entire sensor’s field of view and provides complete coverage of the area of interest. By capturing the return echoes through 16 independent active detection elements at a high data acquisition rate, the Leddar d-tec continuously provides rapid and accurate detection and ranging in the entire beam. The returned signals are digitized and processed through innovative algorithms, allowing the reliable 24/7 detection and measurement of a wide range of objects under the most challenging environmental conditions such as rain, snow, and fog.

Spec Sheet
Leddar IS16
Industrial Solid-State LiDAR sensor

Specially designed for the industrial market, the Leddar IS16 industrial solid-state sensor is optimized for 0 to 50 m detection and ranging applications, providing both distance and angular positioning while performing fast, continuous and accurate analysis of the area. The 48-degree beam, produced by diffused light pulses and processed through innovative algorithms, enables this unique sensor to detect, locate and measure a wide range of objects under various environmental conditions.

Spec Sheet